دروس تدریسی

ردیف عنوان درس مقطع تحصیلی
1 static B.sc
2 mechine design B.sc
3 dynamics B.Sc
4 elasticity M.Sc
5 computational plasticity PHD
6 continiuum mechanics PHD
7 Theory of plate and shells M.Sc
8 tensor analysis PHD

منابع درسی

ردیف عنوان درس منبع درسی
1 Elasticity Theory of elasticity by Martin Saad
2 Theory of plate and shells Theory of plate and shells By Vinson
3 Static Static By Meriam
4 Dynamic Dinamic By Meriam and Caddle
5 Computational Plasticity Nonlinear Finite element By Crisfiled
6 Machine Design Machine Design By shigly

برنامه هفتگی

روز عنوان ساعت توضیحات