
Degree Field University Country Year
Ph.D Urban Design Bu Ali Sina University of Hamedan Iran 2018
M.Sc Urban Design Tabriz Islamic Art University Iran 2011
B.Sc Urban Planning Sheikh Bahaie University Iran 2009


Title Organization From To
Head of Urban Planning Department Islamic Azad University (IAUN) 2017 2021
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Art, Architecture, and urban planning Islamic Azad University (IAUN) 2021 2023

Research Interests

Row Title
1 Theoretical fields in urban design : Environmental quality , Place making , ....
2 Sustainable urban morphology
3 Energy Efficiency in Architecture and Urban Design
4 Design of energy efficient urban fabrics
5 Climate design based on thermal comfort indicators
6 Reducing the effects of heat islands and energy consumption
7 Low carbon urban development