Research Projects

1. Mohammad Reza Yousofi, Majid Dehghani, , "Lighting design, driver design and assembly of lights for Kohestan main pool about 20 lights ", Aproval Date :08/01/2019, End Date :13/01/2019
2. Mohammad reza Yousofi, Majid Dehghani, Majid Moazzami, , "Design and implementation of 48 street lights 80 watts", Aproval Date :07/11/2017, End Date :10/02/2018
3. Mohammad Reza Yousefi, Ghazanfar Shahgholian, Hossein Nasiri, Majid Dehghani, , "Design and implementation full bridge DC-DC for cathodic protection", Aproval Date :07/03/2017, End Date :28/05/2017