
Title Date Location Institution
WiMax and its Technical Capabilities 10/05/2010 Isfahan University of Technology Iranian Electrical Engineering Conference
Foudamental of Standard 06/11/2005 Defendence Industials education and research Institude Defendence Industials education and research Institude
Research Methodology 30/01/2015 Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch
Education Techniques (2) 30/01/2015 Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch
Successful Communication Techniques 30/01/2015 IAUN IAUN
National development and Education 10/04/2006 IAUN IAUN
Underwater Aqustic (Sonar) 10/03/2005 Submarine Technologies and Science Complex Submarine Technologies and Science Complex
AFM and STM Electronic Microscope 30/01/2015 Defendence Education and Research Center Defendence Education and Research Center
Teaching and Learning Methods 1 12/03/2005 IAUN IAUN
Improving of the Relation between Humans in University 13/03/2006 IAUN IAUN
Documentation in Persian Language 30/01/2015 IAUN IAUN
Scientific Documentation in English language 13/11/2005 IAUN IAUN
Scheduling and Education Map Design 21/06/2004 IAUN IAUN

Workshops ( Teacher )

Title Date Location Institution
Interaction between Scheduling Algorithm and Bursty Traffic 13/12/2013 Islamic Azad University - Najafabad branch Islamic Azad University - Najafabad branch
Electronic Citizen 31/12/2008 Sharvand Conference Room Information Technology and Communication Ceneter of Isfahan Municipality
Communication networks: Challenges and Requirement 29/05/2022 Online- Electrical Engineering Department IAUN