دروس تدریسی

ردیف عنوان درس مقطع تحصیلی
1 Electromagnetic physics B.S
2 Research Methods M.Sc.
3 Physics for students of Engineering B.S
4 Advanced Ground water and exploration M.Sc
5 Advanced Engineering Mathematics for Civil Eng. M. Sc
6 Optimization methods(classical and methahuristics M.Sc
7 Advanced Engineering Geology MS
8 Advanced Engineering Math PhD
9 Seismology B.S. Physics
10 Geophysics B.S.
11 Application of computer in Physics B.S.
12 English for the sudents of Optic and Laser Engineering B.S.
13 English for the students of Physics B.S.
14 Advanced Research Methods PhD
15 Advanced Technical English for PhD students PhD
16 Statistics and Probability for students of Physics B.S.
17 Rock Mechanics M.S.

منابع درسی

ردیف عنوان درس منبع درسی

برنامه هفتگی

روز عنوان ساعت توضیحات