Journal Paper

1. Maryam Mojahedi, Anousheh Zargar Kharazi, Elahe Poorazizi, "Preparation and characterization of carboxymethyl cellulose/polyethylene glycol films containing bromelain/ curcumin: In vitro evaluation of wound healing activity", Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol 5/64, 2024, PP.1993-2005
    Status: Unavailable PDF
2. Sara Yari, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Seyed Amir Mousavi, Elahe Poorazizi, "Nutritional evaluation of 24 Iranian Punica granatum genotypes", Food , Vol 5-1, 2022, PP.25-31
    Status: Unavailable PDF
3. Fereshteh Beheshti, Hossein Abbastabar Ahangar, Elahe Poorazizi, "Fabrication and characterization of Plantago psyllium mucilage/ chitosan composite scaffold: Physico‑mechanical and antibacterial properties", Journal of Materials Research, Vol 37-8, 2022, PP.1450–1440
    Status: Unavailable PDF
4. Sayedeh Saleheh Vaezi, Elahe Poorazizi, Arezoo Tahmourespour, Farham Aminsharei, "Biofilm Formation of Staphylococcus aureus in presence of Sodium chloride, Ethanol and pH Different Levels and Application of Artificial Neural Networ", International Journal of Medical Investigation, Vol 10-2, 2021, PP.58-73
    Status: Unavailable PDF
5. Forough Hemmatgir, Narjes Koupaei, Elahe Poorazizi, "Characterization of a novel semi-interpenetrating hydrogel network fabricated by polyethylene glycol diacrylate/polyvinyl alcohol/tragacanth gum as a", Burns, Vol 48, 2021, PP.146-155
    Status: Unavailable PDF
6. Mohsen Norouzi, Mohammad Rafienia, Elahe Poorazizi, Mohsen Setayeshmehr, "Adipose-derived Stem Cells Growth and Proliferation Enhancement Using Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)/Fibrin Nanofiber Mats", journal of applied biotechnology reports, Vol (4)8, 2021, PP.361-369
    Status: Unavailable PDF
7. Sara Yari, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Amir Mousavi, Elahe Poorazizi, "Comparing the number of Iranian pomegranate genotypes based on morphological and biochemical properties", Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Vol 57-4, 2021, PP.158-165
    Status: Unavailable PDF
8. Niloofar Etemadi , Mehdi Mehdikhani , Elahe Poorazizi , Mohammad Rafienia, "Novel bilayer electrospun poly(caprolactone)/ silk fibroin/ strontium carbonate fibrous nanocomposite membrane for guided bone regeneration", Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, Vol 138, 2021, PP.50264
    Status: Unavailable PDF
9. Sara Rastegar , Mehdi Mehdikhani , Ashkan Bigham , Elahe Poorazizi , Mohammad Rafienia, "Poly glycerol sebacate/ polycaprolactone/ carbon quantum dots fibrous scaffold as a multifunctional platform for cardiac tissue engineering", Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol 266, 2021, PP.124543
    Status: Unavailable PDF
10. Fatemeh Sharifiyan, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mohammad Fazilati, Saeed Habibollahi, Elahe Poorazizi, "Rapid Separation Method of Ursolic Acid from Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Flowers using Normal-Phase Flash Chromatography Fatemeh", Journal of Applied Chemical Research, Vol 15-1, 2021, PP.73-85
    Status: Unavailable PDF
11. Sayedeh Saleheh Vaezi, Elahe Poorazizi, Arezoo Tahmourespour, Farham Aminsharei, "Application of artificial neural networks to describe the combined effect of pH, time, NaCl and ethanol concentrations on the biofilm formation of Sta", Microbial Pathogenesis, Vol 141, 2020, PP.1-8
    Status: Unavailable PDF
12. Fatemeh Sharifiyan1, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mohammad Fazilati, Elahe Poorazizi, Saeed Habibollahi, "Variation of ursolic acid content in flowers of ten Iranian pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)cultivars", BMC chemistry, Vol 13-1, 2019, PP.1-7
    Status: Unavailable PDF
13. Fatemeh Sharifiyan , Mirjalili , Seyed Abbas Fazilati , Mohammad Habibollahi , Saeed Poorazizi, "HPLC determination of Ursolic acid in flowers of an Iranian Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivar", International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 9-3, 2018, PP.177-181
    Status: Unavailable PDF
14. Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, E Pourazizi, "Assessment effect of macronutrients on growth and phytochemical contents of Iranian native spinach", Trends in Horticulture, Vol 1, 2018, PP.1-7
    Status: Unavailable PDF
15. Mohammad Rafienia Rafienia, Aliasghar Saberi Saberi, Elahe Poorazizi, "A novel fabrication of PVA/Alginate-Bioglass electrospun for biomedical engineering application", Nanomedicine Journal, Vol 4-3, 2017, PP.152-163
    Status: Unavailable PDF
16. Reza Samanipour, Batool Hashemibeni, Elahe Pourazizi, "Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Tissue Engineering", Anatomical Sciences Journal, Vol 13-1, 2016, PP.13-18
    Status: Unavailable PDF
17. Hamid Amiri Heydary, Ebrahim Karamian, Elahe Poorazizi, Jalil Heydaripour, Amirsalar Khandan, "Electrospun of polymer/bioceramic nanocomposite as a new softtissue for biomedical applications", Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Vol 3-4, 2015, PP.417–425
    Status: Unavailable PDF
18. Hamid Amiri Heydary, Ebrahim Karamian, Elahe Poorazizi, Amirsalar Khandan, Jalil Heydaripour, "A Novel Nano-Fiber of Iranian Gum Tragacanth-Polyvinyl alcohol/Nanoclay Composite for Wound Healing Applications", Procedia Materials Science, Vol 11, 2015, PP.176-182
    Status: Unavailable PDF
19. Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Elahe Poorazizi, "Evaluation of callus formation and embryogenesis in saffron (Crocus sativus L.) for flower harvesting", JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, Vol 6, 2015, PP.127-131
    Status: Unavailable PDF
20. Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Elahe Poorazizi, "Effects of density and cultivation method on ratio and yield of essential oil in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)", International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR), Vol 4, 2014, PP.117-123
    Status: Unavailable PDF
21. Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Elahe Poorazizi, "Evaluation of seed Dispersal, Developing Factors and Controlling Methods of Hordeum Spontaneum in Khuzestan, IRAN", Advances in Environmental Biology, Vol 8, 2014, PP.87-91
    Status: Unavailable PDF
22. seyed abbas Mirjalili, Elahe Poorazizi, "Evaluation of germination and hydopriming effect on increasing germination potential in native stands of parsley (Petroselinum crispum)", Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology, Vol 12-4, 2024, PP.47-56
    Status: Unavailable PDF
23. Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mohammad Ali Ghavampour, Elahe Latifi, Elahe Poorazizi, "Genetic Diversity Assessment of Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.) Populations in Isfahan Province Using CDDP Molecular Marker", Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Vol 14-53, 2023, PP.107-130
    Status: Unavailable PDF
24. ّFatemeh Sharifiyan, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mohammad Fazilati, Elahe Poorazizi, Saeed Habibolahi, "Cytotoxic effect of hydro alcoholic extract of pomegranate Punica granatum L flowers and isolated ursolic acid on melanoma cells", Journal of Medicinal Plants, Vol 19-74, 2020, PP.177-191
    Status: Unavailable PDF
25. Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mehdi Gaboli, Elahe Poorazizi, Mitra Agajani, "Study of biochemical diversity, phenolic compounds and anthocyanins in fruit juice of Punica Granatum L. among 25 genotypes of Cult.Malas", Journal of Ecophytochemistry of Medicinal Plants, Vol 6-4-2, 2019, PP.1-13
    Status: Unavailable PDF
26. Narges Abotalebi Abotalebi, Elahe Pourazizi, Hossein Abbastabar Ahangar, "Effect of Zinc Oxide Addition on Antibacterial Behavior of Hydroxyapatite-Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering Applicatio", Biological Journal of Microorganisms, Vol 7-25, 2017, PP.43-33
    Status: Unavailable PDF
27. Shahin Rouhi, Mohammad Rafienia, Hossein Salehi, Elahe Poorazizi, "Preparation and Characterization of silk-chitosan composite as a three dimensional tool for culturing osteoblast-like cells", Jornal Of Isfahan Medical School, Vol 33, 2015, PP.1107-11018
    Status: Unavailable PDF

Conference Paper

1. Farnoosh Pahlevanzaseh, Mehdi Ebrahimian, Elahe Pourazizi, "Graphene for biomedical applications", National Conference on Research and Innovation in Biotehnology, Isfahan, 2017
    Status: Unavailable PDF
2. Mitra Aghajani, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mehdi Ghabooli, Elahe Pooorazizi, "Assessment of the total content of polyphenols and anthocyanins in eleven different Iranian pomegranate cultivars Malas", 19th National and 7th International Congress of Biology, Tabriz University, 2016
    Status: Available PDF
3. Mitra Aghajani, Seyed Abbas Mirjalili, Mehdi Ghaboli, Elahe Poorazizi, "Some of the biochemical properties of pomegranate fruit in 5 Iranians", 19th National and 7th International Congress of Biology, Tabriz University, 2016
    Status: Available PDF